Well, it's a good thing I don't try to make a living by blogging. We'd have surely starved to death by now. There doesn't seem to be much point in blogging, since we live near our families now, but Clara has been asking me to update the blog, so I figured I may as well.
I'm sure you'll be surprised to hear that a lot has happened since my last post eighteen months ago. Ivy-Jane, for example, is now nineteen months old and walks and causes all sorts of trouble that nobody gets very uspet about because she's adorable. Levi will be three in a few months, and he's still as amazing as ever. He potty trained himself with no trouble whatsoever a few months ago, and he's all boy--much different than the girls.
Levi (Bubba) and Ivy-Jane (Janie Cake) |
Violet is going into first grade, and she's missing so many teeth we call her "pumpkin." Gemma is going into second grade and is quite the gymnast.
Violet (Vida) and Gemma (Boo) |
Clara is going into fifth grade (!!!) and Tabitha is starting middle school (!!!!!) and, like Gemma, they are also both very good gymnasts.
Tabitha (Taz) and Clara (Lucy) |
Juliet, a social butterfly who makes good grades, will be starting seventh grade. Sophia is going into eighth grade and is on track. She's actually very fast.
Juliet (Hoolietta) and Sophia (Fifi, or as Levi calls her, Tortilla) |
Eve is still making amazing grades and will be a junior. Zoe is still NOT making amazing grades (although she still has the POTENTIAL, which is worth squat without the grades) and in cheerleading.
Zoe (Reesie) and Eve (Evie Jo) |
Kokopelli, the Jack Russell Terror, has actually calmed down a bit, but still enjoys running around the neighborhood when he can escape.
As for Rob and I, we very much regret leaving Florida for Colorado, but here we are. The good news is that I did accomplish my New Year's Resolution from my last post (lose the baby weight), and I now weigh just a few pounds more than I did before I became a mother. :)
Rob and Kyndra |
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