Pelli isn't all bad. He's great with the kids. Violet is always trying to play with him, hug him, kiss him, dress him up. You know, typical three-year-old girl stuff. Pelli puts up with her as long as he can, then gives a warning growl, which she never heeds. After the warning growl, he "nips" her; that is, he puts his teeth on her arm without putting any pressure at all. The result is Violet thinks she's been bitten, although there is no mark and no pain and no tears, and she decides to find somebody else to play with.
But Pelli is, um, eccentric. About a year ago I bought a dog toy for Pelli at Wal-Mart. It was a squeaky hedgehog for about $3. He went CRAZY when I gave it to him. Within two weeks, he'd "killed" it. The stuffing and squeaker were all torn out, but he still played with the empty corpse. Now we have a supply of hedgehogs we keep in a bag on top of a kitchen counter. When he kills a hedgehog, we have backups. When he gets a new hedgehog, he spends all his time putting it beside somebody and watching it, waiting for that person to throw it. If ten minutes elapse and the hedgehog hasn't been thrown, he'll give a few sharp barks and settle back into watching. Or he'll find someone walking around, dropping the hedgehog at their feet hoping they'll kick it so he can run and get it. At night, he'll stay awake, putting the hedgehog by my feet, hoping I'll kick in my sleep so he can fetch. When he can't get anyone to play, he buries the hedgehog in a blanket and entertains himself, growling and trying to free it. It's not that nobody is willing to play with him. It's just that nobody wants to play with the hedgehog for 24 hours straight. Besides, after the first ten minutes, the hedgehog is slickery with Pelli saliva. We have to hide the hedgehog and put Pelli in his crate so he can get some sleep when the hedgehog is new.
A few months ago, Pelli had a crush on Joy, a pretty golden retriever who lives down the street. Joy was in heat, and one day, Pelli got out of the house. Rob chased after him, but Pelli disappeared into the doggie door at Joy's house. The neighbors weren't home, and Pelli would not come back out. Luckily, Joy was crated, so Pelli couldn't get at her. Unluckily, Pelli marked his territory by peeing all around her crate. Rob apologized profusely to the neighbors, and took our carpet cleaner over to take care of Pelli's mess. Still, how embarassing! Pelli spent quite a lot of time in his own crate after that incident.
About a month ago, Pelli got out again. Rob and I were getting in the truck to run an errand when it happened, so we followed Pelli down the street in the truck. He stopped in a driveway, and Rob pulled the truck over, got out, and told Pelli, in his deepest, meanest voice, "I'm going to beat your ***!" Pelli promptly rolled over on his back, and Rob picked him up and started cooing at him, because Rob isn't really mean, and he loves his doggie boy. Rob and I hadn't noticed, but the garage door was open. When Rob picked Pelli up, the front door of the car that was in the garage opened, and a Hispanic lady stuck her head out of the car and called to Rob, "Oh, you're talking to the puppy! Oh, that is a good thing!" Rob and I were surprised, and after Rob apologized for startling the lady, we had a good laugh, but we're grateful that the lady didn't call the police when she thought Rob was after her. Yikes!
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