I had to send my Acer laptop back to the manufacturer to get the keyboard repaired (for the third time) a month ago, and I finally got it back on Friday. In the time it's been gone, I've been using the girls' computer, but I don't really like hanging out on there, so I didn't blog at all in the last month.
It will only take a few minutes to catch you up on the last month of our lives, because nothing has really changed, fortunately or unfortunately.
1. Juliet will turn nine tomorrow. She went on a shopping trip to Justice, courtesy of Nana and Papa, and is thrilled with her haul.
2. Eve is in her room now taking the practice ACT. She takes the real thing next Saturday. She was tagged by Duke University because her FCAT scores were so high, and, depending on her ACT scores, she may be eligible to take some summer classes at Duke. Eligible, but not necessarily ABLE. ($$$)
3. Zoe (8th grade) won third place in her school's spelling bee. She lost on a French word she doesn't remember, but she knew how to spell the winning word.
4. Violet (2 1/2) is not yet potty trained. She runs around naked until she needs to go, then she puts a diaper on and does her business. I think it would be easier for her just to GO, but she doesn't agree and she's got all the power in this situation.
5. Our 42" LCD flat screen TV was broken by a neighbor girl who was playing our new Wii, but neglected to put the strap around her wrist. We've been without a decent TV for over a month now. Apparently, it costs more to fix it than to buy a new one. No matter. We can't afford to do either. One of our neighbors gave us their old Panasonic. It's not 42" and it's not an LCD, but it is bigger than Zoe and Eve's 17" TV we were using in place of our lost one. Thank you, Tracy and Drew!!
Hopefully now that my computer is back, I'll find the time, energy, and inspiration to post often. Now I need to go check out my friends' blogs. Surely they've had a more eventful month than I have!
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yep are month has been crazy check it out on my blog char