Well, it's that time of year again. This season is riddled with stress and worry. There's so much to do and not enough time. That's right...grades are due. At the end of every grading period, I wonder why I decided to major in English. Why couldn't I be a math teacher? Grading must be so easy for math teachers. 452...correct. 32.5...correct. 19 3/4...wrong. Not so for poor English teachers. I've got mountains of papers to grade, and there simply isn't enough time to give each student's work the in-depth criticism it deserves. It gets irritating to find the same mistakes over and over and over ad nauseum, even though I've told them over and over and over how to avoid comma splices and misplaced modifiers. Of course, there is a bright side to grading papers. I really get to know my students through their writing, which is a definite advantage over math teachers. Right? *sigh*
Well, complaing about grading- HA Ha. I am trying to create a blog of my own. Help How do you do this?