Levi was born on September 18 at 12:45. He weighed 9 lbs, 6 ozs, and was 22" long. He is my biggest baby, beating Tabitha, the former heavy weight champion, who weighed in at 8 lbs, 11 ozs and 21 1/2" when she was born in '01.
Levi shares a birthday with Clara, who was thrilled to get a brother for her 7th birthday. All of the girls are thrilled with Levi, as are Rob and I.

Pelli, though, is less than thrilled. At first he thought Levi was a gift for him, because we called Levi "baby," which is what we call Pelli's hedgehog(s). When we put Levi on the floor that first day home from the hospital, Pelli snapped the foot of Levi's feet jammies in his mouth and tried to run off with him. Luckily, he missed Levi's toes, and he'd barely had a chance to move before the girls all tackled him (they were all sitting around Levi in a big circle). Now Pelli only cautiously sniffs at Levi, but gets right up in the middle of everything when Rob tries to play with Levi. I don't think Pelli would hurt Levi, now that he understands Levi is not a hedgehog, but he's not getting the chance to prove himself.
All my babies have been easy, with the exception of Eve, who was colicky, but Levi is even easier than the girls were. He rarely cries, and when he does, it's easy to figure out why. I've never heard him cry for no reason. He mostly sleeps through the night, rarely waking up to eat. As long as I'm bragging on my little Snuggleupagus, I shouldn't neglect to mention that he is really strong. He's had great head control since day 1, and can bear a lot of his own weight on his legs.
The only problem with my bitty boy is that he sometimes pees during diaper changes, and it doesn't just pool around his bum, as happens with girls. No, Levi's pee shoots straight up in the air, sometimes hitting both him and me in the face. Yuck! But all I have to do to avoid such unpleasantness is cover him up with a diaper wipe while I change him.
The very best thing about Levi is his baby smell, especially his baby breath. Just like his big sissies used to smell. There's nothing better in the entire world.
I went back to work when he turned one month, and I hated being away from him at first, but I'm getting used to it now. It's not so bad because I have to focus all my energy and attention on the high school kids, and my workday is shorter than if I worked in an office. Also, Rob sometimes brings Gemma, Violet, and Levi to see me at lunch time, which is soooo nice!

Levi has thick, dark hair which may or may not be curly. Right now, Clara is our only curly kid. Levi's eyes are bright and seem to be turning hazel or brown. Zoe has my blue eyes; Clara's are green; Eve and Violet have Rob's hazely green eyes, but theirs are greener than Rob's. The other four girls (Sophia, Juliet, Tabitha, and Gemma) have deep, chocolately brown eyes.
Levi shares a birthday with Clara, who was thrilled to get a brother for her 7th birthday. All of the girls are thrilled with Levi, as are Rob and I.

Pelli, though, is less than thrilled. At first he thought Levi was a gift for him, because we called Levi "baby," which is what we call Pelli's hedgehog(s). When we put Levi on the floor that first day home from the hospital, Pelli snapped the foot of Levi's feet jammies in his mouth and tried to run off with him. Luckily, he missed Levi's toes, and he'd barely had a chance to move before the girls all tackled him (they were all sitting around Levi in a big circle). Now Pelli only cautiously sniffs at Levi, but gets right up in the middle of everything when Rob tries to play with Levi. I don't think Pelli would hurt Levi, now that he understands Levi is not a hedgehog, but he's not getting the chance to prove himself.
All my babies have been easy, with the exception of Eve, who was colicky, but Levi is even easier than the girls were. He rarely cries, and when he does, it's easy to figure out why. I've never heard him cry for no reason. He mostly sleeps through the night, rarely waking up to eat. As long as I'm bragging on my little Snuggleupagus, I shouldn't neglect to mention that he is really strong. He's had great head control since day 1, and can bear a lot of his own weight on his legs.
The only problem with my bitty boy is that he sometimes pees during diaper changes, and it doesn't just pool around his bum, as happens with girls. No, Levi's pee shoots straight up in the air, sometimes hitting both him and me in the face. Yuck! But all I have to do to avoid such unpleasantness is cover him up with a diaper wipe while I change him.
The very best thing about Levi is his baby smell, especially his baby breath. Just like his big sissies used to smell. There's nothing better in the entire world.
I went back to work when he turned one month, and I hated being away from him at first, but I'm getting used to it now. It's not so bad because I have to focus all my energy and attention on the high school kids, and my workday is shorter than if I worked in an office. Also, Rob sometimes brings Gemma, Violet, and Levi to see me at lunch time, which is soooo nice!

Levi has thick, dark hair which may or may not be curly. Right now, Clara is our only curly kid. Levi's eyes are bright and seem to be turning hazel or brown. Zoe has my blue eyes; Clara's are green; Eve and Violet have Rob's hazely green eyes, but theirs are greener than Rob's. The other four girls (Sophia, Juliet, Tabitha, and Gemma) have deep, chocolately brown eyes.
When each of the girls was about six weeks old, we got their pictures taken in a cute little pink dress that Rob bought for Zoe when she was born. Each girl wore her first pair of shoes, a size 0, for her picture. Before Levi was born, I got him a cute little blue and white checked short overall with an elephant on it (I collect elephants), and his first pair of size 0 shoes. But sometime before he was born, he outgrew those shoes, so I had to buy him a pair of size 1s for his picture. He got his picture taken last weekend, at 7 weeks instead of 6, for no good reason (I feel a little bad that we didn't do it at 6 weeks, but not too bad, because Sophia was also 7 weeks for hers). His picture turned out adorable because by some miracle, the photographer captured him with a full-face, open mouth smile. Gorgeous! I'll post it here after we pick it up and I scan it in (hopefully sometime before he turns one).
To make a long story short, Levi is absolutely perfect, and I am deliriously happy. Same story, different baby. :)
To make a long story short, Levi is absolutely perfect, and I am deliriously happy. Same story, different baby. :)