Last night all ten of us headed down to the elementary school for the spelling bee to determine which of the fifteen top spellers in the 4th and 5th grade is the best speller in the school.
The bee was conducted a bit differently than I've ever seen before. Each speller stood at the mike and spelled his or her word, then sat back down. After the round, the judges told the kids which ones misspelled their words and had to leave the stage. Sophia survived round 1, correctly spelling "wary," but six students were booted off following round 1.
Sophia misspelled "benign" in round 2. She had absolutely no idea, and there was no way she could've sounded it out. Altogether, five more students left the stage after round 2.
Rounds 3 and 4 ended with none of the four children left correctly spelling their words. Finally in round 5, two students misspelled their words, and the other two correctly spelled theirs. In rounds 6 and 7, neither of the finalists correctly spelled the words, but in round 8, we finally got a winner!
Sophia, I'm sure, was a little disappointed, but she didn't show it, and, of course, we're completely proud of her for making it to the top fifteen out of two hundred students. That's nothing to scoff at.